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Female fallow deer in lemon grove at St Leonards Vineyard Cottages in Marlborough, New Zealand

Your privacy

St Leonards Vineyard Cottages collects data in relation to the use of its website (the 'website'), its booking engine and communications with guests and travel partners, to facilitate bookings, enhance guests’ experiences, and to stay in touch with people who are interested in our property.

Privacy and Cookies

We respect your privacy and take great care in handling your information. This includes any data and personal information that we may collect during your visit to the website, your bookings for our accommodation, and subscriptions to our email newsletters.

Our privacy policy governs our practices related to how we collect and use data. It also describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information.

If you disagree with the data practices and protection described in this policy, please change your browser settings to block all cookies, otherwise please refrain from using the website and enquire directly with us to make a booking. By continuing to use the website you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions or concerns after reviewing our privacy policy please contact us.


You're welcome to browse our website without providing any personal information. We won't collect personally identifiable information including your name or email address through your browsing activity unless you access the website from a link in online advertising, social media or an email that we have sent you, or you make a cottage reservation through the website.

Information we collect

When we need to collect personal information from you to process your reservation or to add you to our newsletter list, we will ask you to provide us with the required information .

Cookies and Pixel Tags

Our website may use cookies and pixel tags to aggregate and understand trends, audience demographics, and usage of the website and the pages within it, to enhance your experience of the website and to provide you with relevant content of interest across the website, social media and online advertising platforms.

We monitor usage of our website to improve the quality of the site for future users and to identify any issues with the site’s performance.

Cookies and pixel tags are encrypted strings of text that your computer downloads when visiting a website. They do not corrupt or damage your computer, programs or computer files, and they do not ascertain any personally identifiable information about you apart from what you voluntarily provide us. Accepting a cookie does not give us access to your computer or personal information stored on your hard drive under any circumstances.

You have the option to set your browser to refuse cookies, however this may impact on your browsing experience of this and other websites. You also have the ability to delete cookies from your browser at any time.

For more information on how to adjust your web browser settings for cookies see . For a guide to online behavioural advertising and online privacy visit

Advertising cookies help us to personalise ads that are shown to you on our behalf across the Internet. You can opt out of receiving interest-based ads from Google by updating your Google Ads settings. Likewise, you can opt out of receiving interest-based ads from Facebook by updating your Facebook settings.

Information collected from surveys and offers

From time to time we may conduct online surveys, newsletter subscriptions and promotional offers via pop-up windows on our website.


Participation in such surveys and offers is voluntary and you may decline to participate. Data collected through these surveys and offers will be used by St Leonards Vineyard Cottages and not shared with any parties other than those retained by St Leonards Vineyard Cottages to administer the surveys and offers. Survey responses will not be personally identifiable unless you choose to add your name and email address to your responses.

Information collected for prospecting

Information that we collect and manage for our marketing activities is used and protected according to this Privacy Policy.


The website uses a third-party booking system that allows visitors to complete their reservation at St Leonards Vineyard Cottages. Personally identifiable information collected through this system remains the property of St Leonards Vineyard Cottages, and the booking provider is contractually prohibited from using it for any other purpose.

Please note that despite the best efforts possible, no one can give absolute assurance that information intended to be maintained as private, whether transmitted via the Internet or otherwise, cannot be accessed inappropriately or unlawfully by third parties. We have taken and will continue to take reasonable steps to ensure the secure and safe transmission of your personal information, however we encourage you to exercise caution with storage and disclosure of your personal information in any forum – digital or otherwise.

Emails and newsletters

We may use your personal information for internal or external marketing and promotional purposes or analytical purposes. For example, we may send you occasional emails with updates about our accommodation experiences and special offers.


We may occasionally offer a special promotion in conjunction with a promotional partner and may share your response to that specific promotion with that partner in order to fulfil the promotion’s obligations.

Every time you receive an email, you will be provided the choice to opt out of future emails by following the instructions provided in the email. You can also opt out by contacting us. Please allow 10 business days for us to process your opt-out and include your email address if you opt-out via postal mail.

St Leonards Vineyard Cottages will never send you an email requesting any password, credit card number, social security or IRD number or other similar personal or private identification information. If you receive an unsolicited email that looks like it is from St Leonards Vineyard Cottages, but asks you for personal information, consider it to be a fraudulent email and do not reply or provide such information.


If you do receive an email from St Leonards Vineyard Cottages that you suspect is fraudulent, we’d love to know about it so we can warn other customers. Please email us separately (not by replying to the suspicious email) with the details and preferably a screenshot of the suspicious email – please don’t forward us the email.

Securing the storage of personal information

We treat the personal information you provide to us as confidential information. We have taken and will continue to take reasonable steps to ensure the secure and safe storage of your personal information.

Disclosure of information to third parties

St Leonards Vineyard Cottages uses the services of third parties, such as marketing agencies, online booking services, email service providers and digital platforms, to assist us with marketing the website and processing customer bookings.

These parties are contractually prohibited from using personally identifiable information for any purpose other than for the purpose specified by St Leonards Vineyard Cottages. We provide non-personally identifiable information to selected service providers to enable them to perform their contractual obligations to us, such as improving the online browsing experience for our visitors. We do not sell personal information.

Deletion of personal information

If you would like us to delete all of your personal information (except for information that we keep for record-keeping and billing purposes) and/or remove your name and address from promotional lists (including any personal information gathered by our service providers) and place your name on our “do not contact” list, please contact us.

Other sites

St Leonards Vineyard Cottages is responsible for the privacy policy statement and content of this website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the use of cookies on websites that you have accessed this website from, or to any websites that you may access from this website.

Legal issues

This Privacy Policy statement will be governed by and construed in accordance with New Zealand law and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located under the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand for the resolution of any disputes.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

In the future, we may need to update this privacy statement. All changes will be made here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone. This statement was last updated on 30 July, 2024.

Contacting us about privacy issues

Please contact St Leonards Vineyard Cottages if you have any comments, suggestions or questions about our privacy policy statement or privacy practices.

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